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Importing and Exporting Networks

The controller and plant model networks that you develop are stored within Simulink controller blocks. At some point you may want to transfer the networks into other applications, or you may want to transfer a network from one controller block to another. You can do this by using the Import Network and Export Network menu options. The following demonstration leads you through the export and import processes. (We use the NARMA-L2 window for this demonstration, but the same procedure applies to all of the controllers.)

  1. Repeat the first three steps of the NARMA-L2 demonstration. The NARMA-L2 Plant Identification window should then be open.
  2. Select Export from the File menu, as shown below.

  1. This causes the following window to open.

  1. Select Export to Disk. The following window opens. Enter the filename test in the box, and select Save. This saves the controller and plant networks to disk.

  2. Retrieve that data with the Import menu option. Select Import Network from the File menu, as in the following figure.

  1. This causes the following window to appear. Follow the steps indicated on the following page to retrieve the data that you previously exported. Once the data is retrieved, you can load it into the controller block by selecting OK or Apply. Notice that the window only has an entry for the plant model, even though you saved both the plant model and the controller. This is because the NARMA-L2 controller is derived directly from the plant model, so you don't need to import both networks.

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