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Modified Bartlett-Hann window



w = barthannwin(n) returns an n-point modified Bartlett-Hann window in the column vector w. Like Bartlett, Hann, and Hamming windows, this window has a mainlobe at the origin and asymptotically decaying sidelobes on both sides. It is a linear combination of weighted Bartlett and Hann windows with near sidelobes lower than both Bartlett and Hann and with far sidelobes lower than both Bartlett and Hamming windows. The mainlobe width of the modified Bartlett-Hann window is not increased relative to either Bartlett or Hann window mainlobes.


Create a 64-point Bartlett-Hann window and display the result using WVTool:


The equation for computing the coefficients of a Modified Bartlett-Hanning window is

where .

See Also

bartlett, blackmanharris, bohmanwin, nuttallwin, parzenwin, rectwin, triang, window, wintool, wvtool


[1] Ha, Y.H., and J.A. Pearce. "A New Window and Comparison to Standard Windows." IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. Vol. 37, No. 2, (February 1999). pp. 298-301.

[2] Oppenheim, A.V., and R.W. Schafer. Discrete-Time Signal Processing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1999, p. 468.

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