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Window Visualization Tool



wvtool(winname(n)) opens WVTool with the time and frequency domain plots of the n-length window specified in winname, which can be any window in the Signal Processing Toolbox. For a list of valid window names, see the window function. In the wvtool command, do not precede the window name with @.

wvtool(winname1(n),winname2(n),...winnamem(n)) opens WVTool with a time-domain plot and a frequency-domain plot that contain all the windows specified in winname1,...winnamem. The plots are shown on the same axes so that window characteristics can be compared and contrasted easily. WVTool is useful for displaying, annotating, and printing window responses.

wvtool(w) launches the Window Visualization Tool with sigwin object w.

h = wvtool(...) returns the Handle Graphics figure handle h.

The WVTool toolbar buttons in order from left to right are Print, Print Preview, Edit plot, Add text, Add arrow, Add line, Zoom, Legend, and What's This Help.

WinTool Menus

In addition to the usual menus items, wintool contains these wintool-specific menu commands:

File menu:

Edit menu:

View menu:

Insert menu:

You use the Insert menu to add labels, titles, arrows, lines, text, and axes to your plots.

Tools menu:


Compare Hamming, Hann, and Gaussian windows:

See Also

fdatool, window, wintool

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