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Signal Processing Basics

The following chapter describes how to begin using MATLAB® and the Signal Processing Toolbox for your signal processing applications. It is assumed that you have basic knowledge and understanding of signals and systems, including such topics as filter and linear system theory and basic Fourier analysis.
What Is the Signal Processing Toolbox?
Major features and key areas of the toolbox
Representing Signals
Vector and matrix represtation of signals
Waveform Generation: Time Vectors and Sinusoids
Periodic and aperiodic waveforms, sequences (impulse, step, ramp), multichannel signals, pulse trains, sinc and Dirichlet functions
Working with Data
Methods of inputting and importing data
Filter Implementation and Analysis
Filtering discrete signals
The filter Function
Mathemetical information on the filter function
Other Functions for Filtering
Other types of filter functions available in the toolbox
Impulse Response
Impulse response details
Frequency Response
Frequency response details
Zero-Pole Analysis
Z-plane poles and zeros
Linear System Models
Discrete-time and continuous-time linear system models and transformations
Discrete Fourier Transform
DFT details
Selected Bibliography
Sources for additional information

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