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Linear Phase Filters

Except for cfirpm, all of the FIR filter design functions design linear phase filters only. The filter coefficients, or "taps," of such filters obey either an even or odd symmetry relation. Depending on this symmetry, and on whether the order n of the filter is even or odd, a linear phase filter (stored in length n+1 vector b) has certain inherent restrictions on its frequency response.

Linear Phase Filter Type
Filter Order

Symmetry of Coefficients

Response H(f), f = 0
Response H(f), f = 1 (Nyquist)
Type I

No restriction
No restriction
Type II
No restriction
H(1) = 0
Type III

H(0) = 0
H(1) = 0
Type IV
H(0) = 0
No restriction

The phase delay and group delay of linear phase FIR filters are equal and constant over the frequency band. For an order n linear phase FIR filter, the group delay is n/2, and the filtered signal is simply delayed by n/2 time steps (and the magnitude of its Fourier transform is scaled by the filter's magnitude response). This property preserves the wave shape of signals in the passband; that is, there is no phase distortion.

The functions fir1, fir2, firls, firpm, fircls, fircls1, and firrcos all design type I and II linear phase FIR filters by default. Both firls and firpm design type III and IV linear phase FIR filters given a 'hilbert' or 'differentiator' flag. cfirpm can design any type of linear phase filter, and nonlinear phase filters as well.

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