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Convert second-order sections matrix to cell arrays


c = sos2cell(m,g)


c = sos2cell(m) changes an L-by-6 second-order section matrix m generated by tf2sos into a 1-by-L cell array of 1-by-2 cell arrays c. You can use c to specify a quantized filter with L cascaded second-order sections.

The matrix m should have the form

where both bi and ai, with i = 1, ..., L, are 1-by-3 row vectors. The resulting c is a 1-by-L cell array of cells of the form

c = sos2cell(m,g) with the optional gain term g, prepends the constant value g to c. When you use the added gain term in the command, c is a 1-by-L cell array of cells of the form


Use sos2cell to convert the 2-by-6 second-order section matrix produced by tf2sos into a 1-by-2 cell array c of cells. Display the second entry in the first cell in c:

See Also

tf2sos, cell2sos

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