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Convert zero-pole-gain filter parameters to state-space form



zp2ss converts a zero-pole-gain representation of a given system to an equivalent state-space representation.

[A,B,C,D] = zp2ss(z,p,k) finds a single input, multiple output, state-space representation

given a system in factored transfer function form.

Column vector p specifies the pole locations, and matrix z the zero locations with as many columns as there are outputs. The gains for each numerator transfer function are in vector k. The A, B, C, and D matrices are returned in controller canonical form.

Inf values may be used as place holders in z if some columns have fewer zeros than others.


zp2ss, for single-input systems, groups complex pairs together into two-by-two blocks down the diagonal of the A matrix. This requires the zeros and poles to be real or complex conjugate pairs.

See Also

sos2ss, ss2zp, tf2ss, zp2sos, zp2tf

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