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Convert zero-pole-gain filter parameters to transfer function form



zp2tf forms transfer function polynomials from the zeros, poles, and gains of a system in factored form.

[b,a] = zp2tf(z,p,k) finds a rational transfer function

given a system in factored transfer function form

Column vector p specifies the pole locations, and matrix z specifies the zero locations, with as many columns as there are outputs. The gains for each numerator transfer function are in vector k. The zeros and poles must be real or come in complex conjugate pairs. The polynomial denominator coefficients are returned in row vector a and the polynomial numerator coefficients are returned in matrix b, which has as many rows as there are columns of z.

Inf values can be used as place holders in z if some columns have fewer zeros than others.


The system is converted to transfer function form using poly with p and the columns of z.

See Also

sos2tf, ss2tf, tf2zp, tf2zpk, zp2sos, zp2ss

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