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Importing and Exporting Information from the Graphical Interface

The Continuous Wavelet 1-D graphical interface tool lets you import information from and export information to disk.

You can

Loading Signals into the Continuous Wavelet 1-D Tool

To load a signal you've constructed in your MATLAB workspace into the Continuous Wavelet 1-D tool, save the signal in a MAT-file (with extension mat or other).

For instance, suppose you've designed a signal called warma and want to analyze it in the Continuous Wavelet 1-D tool.

The workspace variable warma must be a vector.

To load this signal into the Continuous Wavelet 1-D tool, use the menu option FileLoad Signal. A dialog box appears that lets you select the appropriate MAT-file to be loaded.

Saving Wavelet Coefficients

The Continuous Wavelet 1-D tool lets you save wavelet coefficients to disk. The toolbox creates a MAT-file in the current directory with the extension wc1 and a name you give it.

To save the continuous wavelet coefficients from the present analysis, use the menu option FileSaveCoefficients.

A dialog box appears that lets you specify a directory and filename for storing the coefficients.

Consider the example analysis:

FileExample Analysiswith haar at scales [1:1:64] --> Cantor curve.

After saving the continuous wavelet coefficients to the file cantor.wc1, load the variables into your workspace:

Variables coefs and scales contain the continuous wavelet coefficients and the associated scales. More precisely, in the above example, coefs is a 64-by-2188 matrix, one row for each scale; and scales is the 1-by-64 vector 1:64. Variable wname contains the wavelet name.

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