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Example 11: A Sine + White Noise

Analyzing wavelet: db5

Decomposition levels: 5

The signal is formed of the sum of two previously analyzed signals: the slow sine with a period close to 200 and the uniform white noise b1. This example is an illustration of the linear property of decompositions: the analysis of the sum of two signals is equal to the sum of analyses.

The details correspond to those obtained during the decomposition of the white noise.

The sine is found in the approximation A5. This is a high enough level for the effect of the noise to be negligible in relation to the amplitude of the sine.

Example 11: A Sine + White Noise
Addressed topics
  • Processing noise
  • Detecting long-term evolution
  • Splitting signal components
  • Identifying the frequency of a sine
Further exploration
  • Identify the noise characteristics. Use the coefficients and the command line mode.

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