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Choosing the Optimal Decomposition

Based on the organization of the wavelet packet library, it is natural to count the decompositions issued from a given orthogonal wavelet.

A signal of length N = 2L can be expanded in alpha different ways, where alpha is the number of binary subtrees of a complete binary tree of depth L. As a result, (see [Mal98] page 323).

As this number may be very large, and since explicit enumeration is generally unmanageable, it is interesting to find an optimal decomposition with respect to a convenient criterion, computable by an efficient algorithm. We are looking for a minimum of the criterion.

Functions verifying an additivity-type property are well suited for efficient searching of binary-tree structures and the fundamental splitting. Classical entropy-based criteria match these conditions and describe information- related properties for an accurate representation of a given signal. Entropy is a common concept in many fields, mainly in signal processing. Let us list four different entropy criteria (see [CoiW92]); many others are available and can be easily integrated (type help wentropy). In the following expressions s is the signal and (si) are the coefficients of s in an orthonormal basis.

The entropy E must be an additive cost function such that E(0) = 0 and

These entropy functions are available using the wentropy M-file.

Example 1: Compute Various Entropies.   

  1. Generate a signal of energy equal to 1.
  2. Compute the Shannon entropy of s.
  3. Compute the l1.5 entropy of s, equivalent to norm(s,1.5)1.5.
  4. Compute the "log energy" entropy of s.
  5. Compute the threshold entropy of s, using a threshold value of 0.24.

Example 2: Minimum-Entropy Decomposition.   

This simple example illustrates the use of entropy to determine whether a new splitting is of interest to obtain a minimum-entropy decomposition.

  1. We start with a constant original signal. Two pieces of information are sufficient to define and to recover the signal (i.e., length and constant value).
  2. Compute entropy of original signal.
  3. Then split w00 using the haar wavelet.
  4. Compute entropy of approximation at level 1.

The detail of level 1, w11, is zero; the entropy e11 is zero. Due to the additivity property the entropy of decomposition is given by e10+e11=2.0794. This has to be compared to the initial entropy e00=2.7726. We have e10 + e11 < e00, so the splitting is interesting.

  1. Now split w10 (not w11 because the splitting of a null vector is without interest since the entropy is zero).
  2. We have w20=0.5*ones(1,4) and w21 is zero. The entropy of the approximation level 2 is
  1. Again we have e20 + 0 < e10, so splitting makes the entropy decrease.

  1. Then
  1. In the last splitting operation we find that only one piece of information is needed to reconstruct the original signal. The wavelet basis at level 4 is a best basis according to Shannon entropy (with null optimal entropy since e40+e41+e31+e21+e11 = 0).

  1. Perform wavelet packets decomposition of the signal s defined in example 1.
  1. The wavelet packet tree below shows the nodes labeled with original entropy numbers.

Figure 6-42: Entropy Values

  1. Now compute the best tree.

The best tree is displayed in the figure below. In this case, the best tree corresponds to the wavelet tree. The nodes are labeled with optimal entropy.

Figure 6-43: Optimal Entropy Values

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