Wavelet Toolbox | ![]() ![]() |
Single-level inverse discrete 1-D wavelet transform
X = idwt(cA,cD,'wname
) X = idwt(cA,cD,Lo_R,Hi_R) X = idwt(cA,cD,'wname
,L) X = idwt(cA,cD,Lo_R,Hi_R,L) X = idwt(...,
The idwt
command performs a single-level one-dimensional wavelet reconstruction with respect to either a particular wavelet ('wname
', see wfilters
for more information) or particular wavelet reconstruction filters (Lo_R
and Hi_R
) that you specify.
X = idwt(cA,cD,
returns the single-level reconstructed approximation coefficients vector X
based on approximation and detail coefficients vectors cA
and cD
, and using the wavelet 'wname
X = idwt(cA,cD,Lo_R,Hi_R)
reconstructs as above using filters that you specify.
and Hi_R
must be the same length.
Let la
be the length of cA
(which also equals the length of cD
) and lf
the length of the filters Lo
_R and Hi
_R; then length(X) = LX
where LX = 2*la
if the DWT extension mode set to periodization. For the other extension modes LX = 2*la-lf+2
For more information about the different Discrete Wavelet Transform extension modes, see dwtmode
X = idwt(cA,cD,
or X = idwt(cA,cD,Lo_R,Hi_R,L)
returns the length-L
central portion of the result obtained using idwt(cA,cD,
. L
must be less than LX
X = idwt(
computes the wavelet reconstruction using the specified extension mode MODE
X = idwt(cA,[],
returns the single-level reconstructed approximation coefficients vector X
based on approximation coefficients vector cA
X = idwt([],cD,
returns the single-level reconstructed detail coefficients vector X
based on detail coefficients vector cD
is the inverse function of dwt
in the sense that the abstract statement idwt(dwt(X,
would give back X
% The current extension mode is zero-padding (see dwtmode
% Construct elementary one-dimensional signal s.
s = 2 + kron(ones(1,8),[1 -1]) + ...
((1:16).^2)/32 + 0.2*randn(1,16);
% Perform single-level dwt of s using db2.
[ca1,cd1] = dwt(s,'db2');
subplot(221); plot(ca1);
title('Approx. coef. for db2');
subplot(222); plot(cd1);
title('Detail coef. for db2');
% Perform single-level inverse discrete wavelet transform,
% illustrating that idwt is the inverse function of dwt.
ss = idwt(ca1,cd1,'db2');
err = norm(s-ss); % Check reconstruction.
subplot(212); plot([s;ss]');
title('Original and reconstructed signals');
xlabel(['Error norm = ',num2str(err)])
% For a given wavelet, compute the two associated
% reconstruction filters and inverse transform using
% the filters directly.
[Lo_R,Hi_R] = wfilters('db2','r');
ss = idwt(ca1,cd1,Lo_R,Hi_R);
% Using some plotting commands,
% the following figure is generated.
Starting from the approximation and detail coefficients at level j, cAj and cDj, the inverse discrete wavelet transform reconstructs cAj-1, inverting the decomposition step by inserting zeros and convolving the results with the reconstruction filters.
Daubechies, I. (1992), Ten lectures on wavelets, CBMS-NSF conference series in applied mathematics. SIAM Ed.
Mallat, S. (1989), "A theory for multiresolution signal decomposition: the wavelet representation," IEEE Pattern Anal. and Machine Intell., vol. 11, no. 7, pp. 674-693.
Meyer, Y. (1990), Ondelettes et opérateurs, Tome 1, Hermann Ed. (English translation: Wavelets and operators, Cambridge Univ. Press. 1993.)
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