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Determine terminal nodes


[N,K] = leaves(T,'sortdp')


N = leaves(T) returns the indices of terminal nodes of the tree T where N is a column vector.

The nodes are ordered from left to right as in tree T.

[N,K] = leaves(T,'s') or [N,K] = leaves(T,'sort') returns sorted indices.
M = N(K) are the indices reordered as in tree T, from left to right.

N = leaves(T,'dp') returns a matrix N, which contains the depths and positions of terminal nodes.

N(i,1) is the depth of i-th terminal node, and N(i,2) is the position of i-th terminal node.

[N,K] = leaves(T,'sortdp') or [N,K] = leaves(T,'sdp') returns sorted nodes.


See Also

tnodes, noleaves

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