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Apply elementary lifting steps on quadruplet of filters.



[LoDN,HiDN,LoRN,HiRN] = liftfilt(LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR,ELS) returns the four filters LoDN, HiDN, LoRN, and HiRN obtained by an elementary lifting step (ELS) starting from the four filters LoD, HiD, LoR, and HiR. The four input filters verify the perfect reconstruction condition.

ELS is a structure such that

In addition, ELS may be a scaling step. In that case, TYPE is equal to 's' (scaling) and VALUE is a scalar different from zero.

liftfilt(LoD,HiD,LoR,HiR,ELS,TYPE,VALUE) gives the same outputs.

liftfilt(...,FLAGPLOT) plots the successive biorthogonal pairs--scaling function and wavelet.


See Also

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