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T = ntree(ORD,D) T = ntree T = ntree(ORD) T = ntree(ORD,D,S,U) T = ntree('PropName1',PropValue1,'PropName2',PropValue2, ...)
T = ntree(ORD,D) returns an NTREE object, which is a complete tree of order ORD and depth D.
T = ntree is equivalent to T = ntree(2,0)
T = ntree(ORD) is equivalent to T = ntree(ORD,0)
With T = ntree(ORD,D,S) you can set a "split scheme" for nodes. The split scheme field S, is a logical array of size ORD by 1.
The root of the tree can be split and it has ORD children. You can split the j-th child if S(j) = 1
Each node that you can split has the same property as the root node.
With T = ntree(ORD,D,S,U) you can, in addition, set a userdata field.
Inputs can be given in another way:
T = ntree('order',ORD,'depth',D,'spsch',S,'ud',U). For "missing" inputs the defaults are ORD = 2 , D = 0 , S = ones([1:
, U = {}.
[T,NB] = ntree( ... ) returns also the number of terminal nodes (leaves) of T.
For more information on object fields, type help ntree/get
Class NTREE (Parent class: WTBO)
wtbo |
: Parent object. |
order |
: Tree order. |
depth |
: Tree depth. |
spsch |
: Split scheme for nodes |
tn |
: Column vector with terminal node indices. |
% Create binary tree (tree of order 2) of depth 3.
t2 = ntree(2,3);
% Plot tree t2.
% Create a quadtree (tree of order 4) of depth 2.
t4 = ntree(4,2,[1 1 0 1]);
% Plot tree t4.
% Split and merge some nodes using the gui
% generated by plot (see the plot
% The figure becomes:
See Also
![]() | ntnode | orthfilt | ![]() |
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