Wavelet Toolbox | ![]() ![]() |
[Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R] = orthfilt(
computes the four filters associated with the scaling filter W
corresponding to a wavelet:
Decomposition low-pass filter |
Decomposition high-pass filter |
Reconstruction low-pass filter |
Reconstruction high-pass filter |
For an orthogonal wavelet, in the multiresolution framework, we start with the scaling function and the wavelet function
. One of the fundamental relations is the twin-scale relation:
All the filters used in dwt
and idwt
are intimately related to the sequence . Clearly if
is compactly supported, the sequence (wn) is finite and can be viewed as a FIR filter. The scaling filter
For example, for the db3
scaling filter,
load db3 db3 db3 = 0.2352 0.5706 0.3252 -0.0955 -0.0604 0.0249 sum(db3) ans = 1.000 norm(db3) ans = 0.7071
From filter W
, we define four FIR filters, of length 2N and norm 1, organized as follows:
Filters |
Low-Pass |
High-Pass |
Decomposition |
Lo_D |
Hi_D |
Reconstruction |
Lo_R |
Hi_R |
The four filters are computed using the following scheme:
where qmf
is such that Hi_R
and Lo_R
are quadrature mirror filters
(i.e., Hi_R(k) = (-1)
Lo_R(2N + 1 - k), for k = 1, 2, ... , 2N
), and where wrev
flips the filter coefficients. So Hi_D
and Lo_D
are also quadrature mirror filters. The computation of these filters is performed using orthfilt
% Load scaling filter. load db8; w = db8; subplot(421); stem(w); title('Original scaling filter'); % Compute the four filters. [Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R] = orthfilt(w); subplot(423); stem(Lo_D); title('Decomposition low-pass filter'); subplot(424); stem(Hi_D); title('Decomposition high-pass filter'); subplot(425); stem(Lo_R); title('Reconstruction low-pass filter'); subplot(426); stem(Hi_R); title('Reconstruction high-pass filter'); % Check for orthonormality. df = [Lo_D;Hi_D]; rf = [Lo_R;Hi_R]; id = df*df' id = 1.0000 0 0 1.0000 id = rf*rf' id = 1.0000 0 0 1.0000 % Check for orthogonality by dyadic translation, for example: df = [Lo_D 0 0;Hi_D 0 0]; dft = [0 0 Lo_D; 0 0 Hi_D]; zer = df*dft' zer = 1.0e-12 * -0.1883 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.1883 % High- and low-frequency illustration. fftld = fft(Lo_D); ffthd = fft(Hi_D); freq = [1:length(Lo_D)]/length(Lo_D); subplot(427); plot(freq,abs(fftld)); title('Transfer modulus: low-pass'); subplot(428); plot(freq,abs(ffthd)); title('Transfer modulus: high-pass') % Editing some graphical properties, % the following figure is generated.
See Also
, qmf, wfilters
Daubechies I. (1992), Ten lectures on wavelets, CBMS-NSF conference series in applied mathematics. SIAM Ed. pp. 117-119, 137, 152.
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