MATLAB Function Reference |
Sparse Matrices
Elementary Sparse Matrices
spdiags |
Sparse matrix formed from diagonals |
speye |
Sparse identity matrix |
sprand |
Sparse uniformly distributed random matrix |
sprandn |
Sparse normally distributed random matrix |
sprandsym |
Sparse random symmetric matrix |
Full to Sparse Conversion
find |
Find indices of nonzero elements |
full |
Convert sparse matrix to full matrix |
sparse |
Create sparse matrix |
spconvert |
Import from sparse matrix external format |
Working with Sparse Matrices
issparse |
Determine if input is sparse matrix |
nnz |
Number of nonzero matrix elements |
nonzeros |
Nonzero matrix elements |
nzmax |
Amount of storage allocated for nonzero matrix elements |
spalloc |
Allocate space for sparse matrix |
spfun |
Apply function to nonzero matrix elements |
spones |
Replace nonzero sparse matrix elements with ones |
spparms |
Set parameters for sparse matrix routines |
spy |
Visualize sparsity pattern |
Reordering Algorithms
colamd |
Column approximate minimum degree permutation |
colperm |
Column permutation |
dmperm |
Dulmage-Mendelsohn permutation |
randperm |
Random permutation |
symamd |
Symmetric approximate minimum degree permutation |
symrcm |
Symmetric reverse Cuthill-McKee permutation |
Linear Algebra
cholinc |
Incomplete Cholesky factorization |
condest |
1-norm condition number estimate |
eigs |
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of sparse matrix |
luinc |
Incomplete LU factorization |
normest |
Estimate matrix 2-norm |
spaugment |
Form least squares augmented system |
sprank |
Structural rank |
svds |
Singular values and vectors of sparse matrix |
Linear Equations (Iterative Methods)
bicg |
BiConjugate Gradients method |
bicgstab |
BiConjugate Gradients Stabilized method |
cgs |
Conjugate Gradients Squared method |
gmres |
Generalized Minimum Residual method |
lsqr |
LSQR implementation of Conjugate Gradients on Normal Equations |
minres |
Minimum Residual method |
pcg |
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients method |
qmr |
Quasi-Minimal Residual method |
symmlq |
Symmetric LQ method |
Tree Operations
| Specialized Math | | Math Constants |  |
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