MATLAB Function Reference | ![]() ![]() |
Finding and Identifying Graphics Objects
allchild | Find all children of specified objects |
ancestor | Find ancestor of graphics object |
copyobj | Make copy of graphics object and its children |
delete | Delete files or graphics objects |
findall | Find all graphics objects (including hidden handles) |
figflag | Test if figure is on screen |
findfigs | Display off-screen visible figure windows |
findobj | Find objects with specified property values |
gca | Get current Axes handle |
gcbo | Return object whose callback is currently executing |
gcbf | Return handle of figure containing callback object |
gco | Return handle of current object |
get | Get object properties |
ishandle | True if value is valid object handle |
set | Set object properties |
axes | Create axes object |
figure | Create figure (graph) windows |
hggroup | Create a group object |
hgtransform | Create a group to transform |
image | Create image (2-D matrix) |
light | Create light object (illuminates Patch and Surface) |
line | Create line object (3-D polylines) |
patch | Create patch object (polygons) |
rectangle | Create rectangle object (2-D rectangle) |
rootobject | List of root properties |
surface | Create surface (quadrilaterals) |
text | Create text object (character strings) |
uicontextmenu | Create context menu (popup associated with object) |
Plot Objects
areaseries | Property list |
barseries | Property list |
contourgroup | Property list |
errorbarseries | Property list |
lineseries | Property list |
quivergroup | Property list |
scattergroup | Property list |
stairseries | Property list |
stemseries | Property list |
surfaceplot | Property list |
clc | Clear figure window |
clf | Clear figure |
close | Close specified window |
closereq | Default close request function |
drawnow | Complete any pending drawing |
figflag | Test if figure is on screen |
gcf | Get current figure handle |
hgload | Load graphics object hierarchy from a FIG-file |
hgsave | Save graphics object hierarchy to a FIG-file |
newplot | Graphics M-file preamble for NextPlot property |
opengl | Change automatic selection mode of OpenGL rendering |
refresh | Refresh figure |
saveas | Save figure or model to desired output format |
axis | Plot axis scaling and appearance |
box | Display axes border |
cla | Clear Axes |
gca | Get current Axes handle |
grid | Grid lines for 2-D and 3-D plots |
ishold | Get the current hold state |
makehgtform | Create a transform matrix |
Operating on Object Properties
get | Get object properties |
linkaxes | Synchronize limits of specified axes |
linkprop | Maintain same value for corresponding properties |
set | Set object properties |
![]() | Printing | 3-D Visualization | ![]() |
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