Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide |
Creating Your Own Modular Tools
Because the toolbox uses an open architecture for the modular interactive tools, you can extend the toolbox by creating your own modular interactive tools, using standard Handle Graphics concepts and techniques. To help you create tools that integrate well with the existing modular interactive tools, the toolbox includes many utility functions that perform commonly needed tasks.
The utility functions can help check the input arguments to your tool, add callback functions to a callback list or remove them from a list, draw a rectangle over an image, and align figure windows in relation to a fixed window. The following table lists these utility functions in alphabetical order. See the function's reference page for more detailed information.
Utility Function |
Description |
getimagemodel |
Retrieve image model objects from image handles |
getrangefromclass |
Get dynamic range of image based on its class |
imagemodel |
Access to properties of an image relevant to its display |
imattributes |
Return information about image attributes |
imgca |
Get handle to most recent current axis containing an image |
imgcf |
Get handle to most recent current figure containing an image |
imgetfile |
Displays Open Image dialog box |
imhandles |
Get all image handles within a handle |
impositionrect |
Create position rectangle that can be dragged |
iptaddcallback |
Add function handle to a callback list |
iptcheckconn |
Check validity of connectivity argument |
iptcheckhandle |
Check validity of image handle argument |
iptcheckinput |
Check validity of input argument |
iptcheckmap |
Check validity of colormap argument |
iptchecknargin |
Check number of input arguments |
iptcheckstrs |
Check validity of string argument |
iptgetapi |
Get application programmer interface (API) for a handle |
ipticondir |
Return names of directories containing IPT and MATLAB icons |
iptnum2ordinal |
Convert positive integer to ordinal string |
iptremovecallback |
iptwindowalign |
Making Connections for Interactivity | Spatial Transformations |
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