Image Processing Toolbox User's Guide |
The toolbox includes several new modular interactive tools that you can activate from the command line and use with images displayed in a MATLAB figure window, called the target image in this documentation. The tools are modular because they can be used independently or in combination to create custom graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for image processing applications. The Image Tool uses these modular tools.
The following table lists the modular tools in alphabetical order. The table includes an illustration of each tool and the function you use to create it. For more information about how the tools operate, see Using the Image Tool to Explore Images. For more information about using tools to create GUIs, see Using Modular Tools.
Modular Tool |
Example |
Description |
Adjust Contrast tool |
Displays a histogram of the target image and enables interactive adjustment of contrast and brightness by manipulation of the display range. Use the imcontrast function to create the tool in a separate figure window and associate it with an image. |
Display Range tool |
Displays a text string identifying the display range values of the associated image. Use the imdisplayrange function to create the tool, associate it with an image, and embed it in a figure or uipanel. |
Image Information tool |
Displays basic attributes about the target image. If the name of the graphics file containing the image was specified, the tool includes any metadata the image file might contain. Use the imageinfo function to create the tool in a separate figure window and associate it with an image. |
Magnification box |
Creates a text edit box containing the current magnification of the target image. Users can change the magnification of the image by entering a new magnification value. Use immagbox to create the tool, associate it with an image, and embed it in a figure or uipanel.Note: The target image must be contained in a scroll panel. |
Overview tool |
Displays the target image in its entirety with the portion currently visible in the scroll panel outlined by a rectangle superimposed on the image. Moving the rectangle changes the portion of the target image that is currently visible in the scroll panel. Use imoverview to create the tool in a separate figure window and associate it with an image.Use imoverviewpanel to create the tool in a uipanel that can be embedded within another figure or uipanel.Note: The target image must be contained in a scroll panel. |
Pixel Information tool |
Displays information about the pixel the mouse is over in the target image. Use impixelinfo to create the tool, associate it with an image, and display it in a figure or uipanel.If you want to display only the pixel values, without the Pixel info label, use impixelinfoval . |
Pixel Region tool |
Display pixel values for a specified region in the target image. Use impixelregion to create the tool in a separate figure window and associate it with an image.Use impixelregionpanel to create the tool as a uipanel that can be embedded within another figure or uipanel. |
Scroll Panel tool |
Display target image in a scrollable panel. Use imscrollpanel to add a scroll panel to an image displayed in a figure window. |
Building GUIs with Modular Tools | Using Modular Tools |
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