Signal Processing Toolbox | ![]() ![]() |
Frequency and Magnitude Specifications Regions: Other Filters
Other Filters (available from the Response Type pull-down menu) |
Differentiator |
Multiband |
Hilbert Transformer |
Arbitrary Magnitude |
Select the units for frequency specifications from the Frequency units list:
For all units except Normalized, specify the Fs (sampling frequency.
Specify the following parameters in the text boxes:
Each odd-indexed frequency-amplitude pair defines the left endpoint of a line segment representing the desired magnitude response in that frequency band. The corresponding even-indexed frequency-amplitude pair defines the right endpoint. Between the frequency bands specified by these end-points, there may be undefined sections of the specified frequency response. These are called "don't care" or "transition" regions, and the magnitude response in these areas is a by-product of the optimization in the other (specified) frequency ranges.
The Weight vector specifies the emphasis to be placed on minimizing the error in certain frequency bands relative to others, one weight per band. In most cases, differentiators have only a single band, so the weight is a scalar value that does not affect the final filter.
See Multiband FIR Filter Design with Transition Bands and firpm
for more information.
Select the units for frequency specifications from the Frequency units list:
For all units except Normalized, specify Fs (sampling frequency).
Specify the following parameters in the text boxes:
Each frequency-magnitude pair specifies the junction of two adjacent frequency bands. See Multiband FIR Filter Design with Transition Bands and firpm
for more information.
Select the units for frequency specifications from the Frequency units list:
For all units except Normalized, specify the sampling frequency, Fs.
Specify the following parameters in the text boxes:
Each odd-indexed frequency-amplitude pair defines the left endpoint of a line segment representing the desired magnitude response in that frequency band. The corresponding even-indexed frequency-amplitude pair defines the right endpoint. Between the frequency bands specified by these end-points, there may be undefined sections of the specified frequency response. These are called "don't care" or "transition" regions, and the magnitude response in these areas is a by-product of the optimization in the other (specified) frequency ranges.
The Weight vector specifies the emphasis to be placed on minimizing the error in certain frequency bands relative to others, one weight per band. In most cases, Hilbert transformers have only a single band, so the weight is a scalar value that does not affect the final filter. However, the Weight vector is useful when designing an antisymmetric multiband filter, such as a Hilbert transformer with stopbands.
See Multiband FIR Filter Design with Transition Bands and firpm
for more information.
Select the units for frequency specifications from the Frequency units list:
For all units except Normalized, specify Fs (sampling frequency).
Specify the following parameters in the text boxes:
Each frequency-magnitude pair specifies the junction of two adjacent frequency bands. See firpm
for more information.
![]() | Frequency Specifications Region: Bandstop | Magnitude Specifications Region | ![]() |
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