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Hamming window



w = hamming(n) returns an n-point symmetric Hamming window in the column vector w. n should be a positive integer. The coefficients of a Hamming window are computed from the following equation.

w = hamming(n,'sflag') returns an n-point Hamming window using the window sampling specified by 'sflag', which can be either 'periodic' or 'symmetric' (the default). When 'periodic' is specified, hamming computes a length n+1 window and returns the first n points.


Create a 64-point Hamming window and display the result in WVTool:

See Also

blackman, flattopwin, hann, window, wintool, wvtool


[1] Oppenheim, A.V., and R.W. Schafer, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1989, pp. 447-448.

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