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Average filter delay (group delay)



The group delay of a filter is a measure of the average delay of the filter as a function of frequency. It is the negative first derivative of the phase response of the filter. If the complex frequency response of a filter is , then the group delay is

where is frequency and theta is the phase angle of .

grpdelay(b,a) with no output arguments plots the group delay versus frequency in the current figure window.

[gd,w] = grpdelay(b,a,l) returns the i-point group delay, , of the digital filter

given the numerator and denominator coefficients in vectors b and a. grpdelay returns both gd, the group delay, and w, a vector containing the n frequency points in radians. grpdelay evaluates the group delay at n points equally spaced around the upper half of the unit circle, so w contains n points between 0 and pi.

[gd,f] = grpdelay(b,a,n,fs) specifies a positive sampling frequency fs in hertz. It returns a length n vector f containing the actual frequency points at which the group delay is calculated, also in hertz. f contains n points between 0 and fs/2.

[gd,w] = grpdelay(b,a,n,'whole') and

[gd,f] = grpdelay(b,a,n,'whole',fs) use n points around the whole unit circle (from 0 to 2pi, or from 0 to fs).

gd = grpdelay(b,a,w) and

gd = grpdelay(b,a,f,fs) return the group delay evaluated at the points in w (in radians) or f (in hertz), respectively, where fs is the sampling frequency in hertz.

grpdelay(Hd) plots the group delay and displays the plot in fvtool. The input Hd is a dfilt filter object or an array of dfilt filter objects.

grpdelay works for both real and complex filters.


Plot the group delay of Butterworth filter b(z)/a(z):

The same example using a dfilt object and displaying the result in the Filter Visualization Tool (fvtool) is

Plot both the group and phase delays of a system on the same graph:


grpdelay multiplies the filter coefficients by a unit ramp. After Fourier transformation, this process corresponds to differentiation.

See Also

cceps, fft, freqz, hilbert, icceps, rceps

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