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Filters Used to Calculate the DWT and IDWT
For an orthogonal wavelet, in the multiresolution framework (see [Dau92] in Using Wavelet Packets), we start with the scaling function and the wavelet function
. One of the fundamental relations is the twin-scale relation (dilation equation or refinement equation):
All the filters used in DWT and IDWT are intimately related to the sequence
Clearly if is compactly supported, the sequence (wn) is finite and can be viewed as a filter. The filter W, which is called the scaling filter (nonnormalized), is
For example, for the db3
scaling filter,
load db3 db3 db3 = 0.2352 0.5706 0.3252 -0.0955 -0.0604 0.0249 sum(db3) ans = 1.0000 norm(db3) ans = 0.7071
From filter W, we define four FIR filters, of length 2N and of norm 1, organized as follows.
Filters |
Low-Pass |
High-Pass |
Decomposition |
Lo_D |
Hi_D |
Reconstruction |
Lo_R |
Hi_R |
The four filters are computed using the following scheme.
where qmf
is such that Hi_R and Lo_R are quadrature mirror filters (i.e., Hi_R(k) = (-1) k Lo_R(2N + 1 - k)) for k = 1, 2, ..., 2N.
Note that wrev
flips the filter coefficients. So Hi_D and Lo_D are also quadrature mirror filters. The computation of these filters is performed using orthfilt
. Next, we illustrate these properties with the db6
wavelet. The plots associated with the following commands are shown in Figure 6-8.
% Load scaling filter. load db6; w = db6; subplot(421); stem(w); title('Original scaling filter'); % Compute the four filters. [Lo_D,Hi_D,Lo_R,Hi_R] = orthfilt(w); subplot(423); stem(Lo_D); title('Decomposition low-pass filter Lo{\_}D'); subplot(424); stem(Hi_D); title('Decomposition high-pass filter Hi{\_}D'); subplot(425); stem(Lo_R); title('Reconstruction low-pass filter Lo{\_}R'); subplot(426); stem(Hi_R); title('Reconstruction high-pass filter Hi{\_}R'); % High and low frequency illustration. n = length(Hi_D); freqfft = (0:n-1)/n; nn = 1:n; N = 10*n; for k=1:N lambda(k) = (k-1)/N; XLo_D(k) = exp(-2*pi*j*lambda(k)*(nn-1))*Lo_D'; XHi_D(k) = exp(-2*pi*j*lambda(k)*(nn-1))*Hi_D'; end fftld = fft(Lo_D); ffthd = fft(Hi_D); subplot(427); plot(lambda,abs(XLo_D),freqfft,abs(fftld),'o'); title('Transfer modulus: lowpass (Lo{\_}D or Lo{\_}R') subplot(428); plot(lambda,abs(XHi_D),freqfft,abs(ffthd),'o'); title('Transfer modulus: highpass (Hi{\_}D or Hi{\_}R')
Figure 6-8: The Four Wavelet Filters for db6
![]() | The Fast Wavelet Transform (FWT) Algorithm | Algorithms | ![]() |
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