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Continuous 1-D wavelet coefficients



cwt is a one-dimensional wavelet analysis function.

COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,'wname') computes the continuous wavelet coefficients of the vector S at real, positive SCALES, using the wavelet whose name is 'wname' (see waveinfo for more information).

The signal S is real, the wavelet can be real or complex.

COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,'wname','plot') computes and, in addition, plots the continuous wavelet transform coefficients.

COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,'wname',PLOTMODE) computes and plots the continuous wavelet transform coefficients.

Coefficients are colored using PLOTMODE. Valid values for the string PLOTMODE are listed in the table below.

Coloration made scale-by-scale
Coloration made considering all scales
'abslvl' or 'lvlabs'
Coloration made scale-by-scale using the absolute values of the coefficients
'absglb' or 'glbabs'
Coloration made considering all scales using the absolute values of the coefficients

COEFS = cwt(...,'plot') is equivalent to COEFS = cwt(...,'absglb')

COEFS = cwt(S,SCALES,'wname',PLOTMODE,XLIM) computes and plots the continuous wavelet transform coefficients.

Coefficients are colored using PLOTMODE and XLIM.

XLIM = [x1 x2] with 1 x1 < x2 length(S)

Let s be the signal and psi the wavelet. The wavelet coefficient of s at scale a and position b is defined by

Since s(t) is a discrete signal, we use a piecewise constant interpolation of the s(k) values, k = 1 to length(s).

For each given scale a within the vector SCALES, the wavelet coefficients Ca,b are computed for b = 1 to ls = length(s), and are stored in COEFS(i,:) if a = SCALES(i).

Output argument COEFS is a la-by-ls matrix where la is the length of SCALES. COEFS is a real or complex matrix depending on the wavelet type.

Examples of valid uses are


This example demonstrates the difference between discrete and continuous wavelet transforms.


if s(t) = s(k), for then

So at any scale a, the wavelet coefficients Ca,b for b = 1 to length(s) can be obtained by convolving the signal s and a dilated and translated version of the

integrals of the form

(given by intwave), and taking the finite difference using diff.

See Also
wavedec, wavefun, waveinfo, wcodemat

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