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Data trees constructor



T = dtree(ORD,D,X) returns a complete data tree (DTREE) object of order ORD and depth D. The data associated with the tree T is X.

With T = dtree(ORD,D,X,U) you can set a userdata field.

[T,NB] = dtree(...) returns also the number of terminal nodes (leaves) of T.

[T,NB] = dtree('PropName1',PropValue1,'PropName2',PropValue2,...) is the most general syntax to construct a DTREE object.

The valid choices for 'PropName' are

: Order of the tree.
: Depth of the tree.
: Data associated to the tree.
: Split scheme for nodes.
: Userdata field.

The split scheme field is an order ORD by 1 logical array. The root of the tree can be split and it has ORD children. If spsch(j) = 1, you can split the j-th child. Each node that you can split has the same property as the root node.

For more information on object fields, type help dtree/get.

Class DTREE (Parent class: NTREE)


: Parent object.
: All nodes information.
: Terminal nodes information.


See Also
ntree, wtbo

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