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Multilevel 1-D wavelet reconstruction



waverec performs a multilevel one-dimensional wavelet reconstruction using either a specific wavelet ('wname', see wfilters) or specific reconstruction filters (Lo_R and Hi_R). waverec is the inverse function of wavedec in the sense that the abstract statement waverec(wavedec(X,N,'wname'),'wname') returns X.

X = waverec(C,L,'wname') reconstructs the signal X based on the multilevel wavelet decomposition structure [C,L] and wavelet 'wname'. (For information about the decomposition structure, see wavedec.)

X = waverec(C,L,Lo_R,Hi_R) reconstructs the signal X as above, using the reconstruction filters you specify. Lo_R is the reconstruction low-pass filter and Hi_R is the reconstruction high-pass filter.

Note that X = waverec(C,L,'wname') is equivalent to X = appcoef(C,L,'wname',0).


See Also
appcoef, idwt, wavedec

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