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Data matrix for autocorrelation matrix estimation



X = corrmtx(x,m) returns an (n+m)-by-(m+1) rectangular Toeplitz matrix X, such that X'X is a (biased) estimate of the autocorrelation matrix for the length n data vector x.

X = corrmtx(x,m,'method') computes the matrix X according to the method specified by the string 'method':

[X,R] = corrmtx(...) also returns the (m+1)-by-(m+1) autocorrelation matrix estimate R, calculated as X'*X.



The Toeplitz data matrix computed by corrmtx depends on the method you select. The matrix determined by the autocorrelation (default) method is given by the following matrix.

In this matrix, m is the same as the input argument m to corrmtx, and n is length(x). Variations of this matrix are used to return the output X of corrmtx for each method:

See Also

peig, pmusic, rooteig, rootmusic, xcorr


[1] Marple, S.L. Digital Spectral Analysis, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall, 1987, pp. 216-223.

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