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Discrete-time filters



Hd = dfilt.structure(input1,...) returns a discrete-time filter, Hd, of type structure. Each structure takes one or more inputs. If you specify a dfilt.structure with no inputs, a default filter is created.

Hd = [dfilt.structure(input1,...),dfilt.structure(input1,...),...] returns a vector containing dfilt filters.


Structures for dfilt specify the type of filter structure. Available types of structures for dfilt are shown below.

Direct-form I
Direct-form I, second-order sections
Direct-form I transposed
Direct-form I transposed, second-order sections
Direct-form II
Direct-form II, second-order sections
Direct-form II transposed
Direct-form II transposed, second-order sections

Direct-form FIR
Direct-form FIR transposed
Direct-form symmetric FIR
Direct-form antisymmetric FIR
Overlap-add FIR

Lattice allpass
Lattice autoregressive (AR)
Lattice autoregressive moving- average (ARMA)
Lattice moving-average (MA) for maximum phase
Lattice moving-average (MA) for minimum phase

Coupled, allpass lattice (available only with the Filter Design Toolbox)
Coupled, allpass lattice with power complementary output (available only with the Filter Design Toolbox)


Scalar gain object
Filters arranged in series
Filters arranged in parallel

For more information on each structure, refer to its reference page.


Methods provide ways of performing functions directly on your dfilt object without having to specify the filter parameters again. You can apply these methods directly on the variable you assigned to your dfilt object.

For example, if you create a dfilt object, Hd, you can check whether it has linear phase with islinphase(Hd), view its frequency response plot with fvtool(Hd), or obtain its frequency response values with h=freqz(Hd). You can use all of the methods below in this way.

Some of the methods listed below have the same name as functions in the Signal Processing Toolbox and they behave similarly. This is called overloading of functions.


Adds a stage to a cascade or parallel object, where a stage is a separate, modular filter. See dfilt.cascade and dfilt.parallel.


(Available only with the Signal Processing Blockset)

block(Hd) creates a Signal Processing Blockset block of the dfilt object. The block method can specify these properties/values:

'Destination' indicates where to place the block. 'Current' places the block in the current Simulink model. 'New' creates a new model. Default value is 'Current'.

'Blockname' assigns the entered string to the block name. Default name is 'Filter'.

'OverwriteBlock'indicates whether to overwrite the block generated by the block method ('on') and defined by Blockame. Default is 'off'.

'MapStates' specifies initial conditions in the block ('on'). Default is 'off'. See Using Filter States.


Returns the series combination of two dfilt objects. See dfilt.cascade.

Returns the filter coefficients in a structure containing fields that use the same property names as those in the original dfilt.
Converts a dfilt object from one filter structure, to another filter structure
Writes a filter coefficient ASCII file. The file can contain a single filter or a vector of objects. If the Filter Design Toolbox is installed, the file can contain multirate filters (mfilt) or adaptive filters (adaptfilt). Default filename is untitled.fcf.

fcfwrite(Hd,filename) writes to a disk file named filename in the current working directory. The .fcf extension is added automatically.

fcfwrite(...,fmt) writes the coefficients in the format fmt, where valid fmt strings are:
'hex' for hexadecimal
'dec' for decimal
'bin' for binary representation.
Returns the frequency-domain coefficients used when filtering with a dfilt.fftfir
Performs filtering using the dfilt object
Returns the type (1-4) of a linear phase FIR filter
Plots the frequency response in fvtool. Note that unlike the freqz function, this dfilt freqz method has a default length of 8192.
Plots the group delay in fvtool
Plots the impulse response in fvtool


Returns the length of the impulse response


Displays dfilt information, such as filter structure, length, stability, linear phase, and, when appropriate, lattice and ladder length.


Returns a logical 1 (i.e., true) if the dfilt object in an allpass filter or a logical 0 (i.e., false) if it is not


Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object is cascaded or a logical 0 if it is not


Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object has finite impulse response (FIR) or a logical 0 if it does not


Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object is linear phase or a logical 0 if it is not
Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object is maximum-phase or a logical 0 if it is not
Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object is minimum-phase or a logical 0 if it is not
Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object has parallel stages or a logical 0 if it does not
Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object has real-valued coefficients or a logical 0 if it does not


Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object is a scalar or a logical 0 if it is not scalar


Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object has second-order sections or a logical 0 if it does not


Returns a logical 1 if the dfilt object is stable or a logical 0 if it are not
Returns the number of sections in a second-order sections filter. If a multistage filter contains stages with multiple sections, using nsections returns the total number of sections in all the stages (a stage with a single section returns 1).
Returns the number of stages of the filter, where a stage is a separate, modular filter
Returns the number of states for an object
Returns the filter order. If Hd is a single-stage filter, the order is given by the number of delays needed for a minimum realization of the filter. If Hd has multiple stages, the order is given by the number of delays needed for a minimum realization of the overall filter.


Returns the parallel combination of two dfilt filters. See dfilt.parallel.


Plots the phase response in fvtool


(Available only with Simulink )

realizemdl(Hd) creates a Simulink model containing a subsystem block realization of your dfilt.

realizemdl(Hd,p1,v1,p2,v2,...) creates the block using the properties p1, p2,... and values v1, v2,... specified.

The following properties are available:

'Blockname' specifies the name of the block. The default value is 'Filter'.

'Destination' specifies whether to add the block to a current Simulink model or create a new model. Valid values are 'Current' and 'New'.

'OverwriteBlock' specifies whether to overwrite an existing block or create a new block. Valid values are 'on' and 'off'.

The following properties optimize the block structure. Specifying 'on' turns the optimization on and 'off' creates the block without optimization. The default for each block is 'off'.

'OptimizeZeros' removes zero-gain blocks.

'OptimizeOnes' replaces unity-gain blocks with a direct connection.

'OptimizeNegOnes' replaces negative unity-gain blocks with a sign change at the nearest summation block.

'OptimizeDelayChains' replaces cascaded chains of delay block with a single integer delay block set to the appropriate delay.


Removes a stage from a cascade or parallel dfilt. See dfilt.cascade and dfilt.parallel.


Overwrites a stage of a cascade or parallel dfilt. See dfilt.cascade and dfilt.parallel.


Converts the dfilt to a second-order sections dfilt. If Hd has a single section, the returned filter has the same class.

sos(Hd,flag) specifies the ordering of the second-order sections. If flag='UP', the first row contains the poles closest to the origin, and the last row contains the poles closest to the unit circle. If flag='down', the sections are ordered in the opposite direction. The zeros are always paired with the poles closest to them.

sos(Hd,flag,scale) specifies the scaling of the gain and the numerator coefficients of all second-order sections. scale can be 'none', 'inf' (infinity-norm) or 'two' (2-norm). Using infinity-norm scaling with up ordering minimizes the probability of overflow in the realization. Using 2-norm scaling with down ordering minimizes the peak roundoff noise.


Converts the dfilt to state-space. To see the separate A,B,C,D matrices for the state-space model, use [A,B,C,D]=ss(Hd).
Plots the step response in fvtool

stepz(Hd,n) computes the first n samples of the step response.

stepz(Hd,n,Fs) separates the time samples by T = 1/Fs, where Fs is assumed to be in Hz.
Converts the dfilt to a transfer function


Plots the zero-phase response in fvtool


Converts the dfilt to zeros-pole-gain form


Plots a pole-zero plot in fvtool

Viewing Properties

As with any object, you can use get to view a dfilt properties. To see a specific property, use

To see all properties for an object, use

Changing Properties

To set specific properties, use

Note that you must use single quotation marks around the property name.

Copying an Object

To create a copy of an object, use the copy method.

Converting Between Filter Structures

To change the filter structure of a dfilt object Hd, use

where structure_string is any valid structure name in single quotation marks. If Hd is a cascade or parallel structure, each of its stages is converted to the new structure.

Using Filter States

Two properties control the filter states:


Create a direct-form I filter and use a method to see if it is stable.

If a dfilt's numerator values do not fit on a single line, a description of the vector is displayed. To see the specific numerator values for this example, use

Create an array containing two dfilt objects, apply a method and verify that the method acts on both objects, and use a method to test whether the objects are FIR objects.

Refer to the reference pages for each structure for more examples.

See Also

dfilt.cascade , dfilt.df1, dfilt.df1t, dfilt.df2, dfilt.df2t, dfilt.dfasymfir, dfilt.dffir, dfilt.dffirt, dfilt.dfsymfir, dfilt.latticeallpass, dfilt.latticear, dfilt.latticearma, dfilt.latticemamax, dfilt.latticemamin, dfilt.parallel, dfilt.statespace, filter, freqz, grpdelay, impz, sos, step, tf, zpk, zplane

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