MATLAB Function Reference | ![]() ![]() |
Array Operations
[ ] | Array constructor |
, | Array row element separator |
; | Array column element separator |
: | Range of array elements |
end | Indicate last index of array |
+ | Addition or unary plus |
- | Subtraction or unary minus |
.* | Array multiplication |
./ | Array right division |
.\ | Array left division |
.^ | Array power |
.' | Array (nonconjugated) transpose |
Basic Array Information
disp | Display text or array |
display | Overloaded method to display text or array |
isempty | Determine if array is empty |
isequal | Test arrays for equality |
isequalwithequalnans | Test arrays for equality, treating NaN s as equal |
islogical | Determine if input is logical array |
isnumeric | Determine if input is numeric array |
isscalar | Determine if input is scalar |
isvector | Determine if input is vector |
length | Length of vector |
ndims | Number of array dimensions |
numel | Number of elements in matrix or cell array |
size | Array dimensions |
Array Manipulation
: | Specify range of array elements |
blkdiag | Construct block diagonal matrix from input arguments |
cat | Concatenate arrays along specified dimension |
circshift | Shift array circularly |
find | Find indices and values of nonzero elements |
fliplr | Flip matrices left-right |
flipud | Flip matrices up-down |
flipdim | Flip array along specified dimension |
horzcat | Concatenate arrays horizontally |
ind2sub | Subscripts from linear index |
ipermute | Inverse permute dimensions of multidimensional array |
permute | Rearrange dimensions of multidimensional array |
repmat | Replicate and tile array |
reshape | Reshape array |
rot90 | Rotate matrix 90 degrees |
shiftdim | Shift dimensions |
sort | Sort array elements in ascending or descending order |
sortrows | Sort rows in ascending order |
squeeze | Remove singleton dimensions |
sub2ind | Single index from subscripts |
vertcat | Concatenate arrays vertically |
Elementary Arrays
: | Construct regularly spaced vector |
blkdiag | Construct block diagonal matrix from input arguments |
eye | Identity matrix |
linspace | Generate linearly spaced vectors |
logspace | Generate logarithmically spaced vectors |
meshgrid | Generate X and Y matrices for three-dimensional plots |
ndgrid | Generate arrays for multidimensional functions and interpolation |
ones | Create array of all ones |
rand | Uniformly distributed random numbers and arrays |
randn | Normally distributed random numbers and arrays |
zeros | Create array of all zeros |
![]() | Data Types | Operators and Operations | ![]() |
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