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Burg spectrum



Hs = spectrum.burg returns a default Burg spectrum object, Hs, that defines the parameters for the Burg parametric spectral estimation algorithm. The Burg algorithm estimates the spectral content by fitting an auto-regressive (AR) linear prediction filter model of a given order to the signal.

Hs = spectrum.burg(order) returns a spectrum object, Hs with the specified order and the FFTLength determined using NextPow2. The default value for order is 4.

Hs = spectrum.burg(order,FFTLength) returns a spectrum object, Hs with the specified order of the AR model and the specified way of determining the FFTLength. Valid values of the FFTLength string are:

FFTLength string
Use the length of the input signal as the FFT length
Use the next power of 2 greater than the input signal length as the FFT length. This is the default value.
Use the FFT length provided as an input to the psd method or via a dspopts object. See dspopts for an example.


Define a fourth order auto-regressive model and view its power spectral density using the Burg algorithm.

See Also

dspdata, dspopts, spectrum, spectrum.cov, spectrum.mcov, spectrum.yulear, spectrum.periodogram, spectrum.welch, spectrum.mtm, spectrum.eigenvector,

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