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Welch spectrum



Hs = spectrum.welch returns a default Welch spectrum object, Hs, that defines the parameters for Welch's averaged, modified periodogram spectral estimation method. The object uses these default values.

Property Name
Default Value
SamplingFlag: symmetric

Window name string or 'User Defined' (see window for valid window names). If the window uses an optional property, it is set to the default value.

Cell array containing WindowName and optional window parameter
SamplingFlag: symmetric
Cell array containing the window name string or 'User Defined' and, if used for the particular window, an optional parameter value. (See window for valid window names and for more information on each window, refer to its reference page.)

You can use set to change the value of the additional parameter or to define the MATLAB expression and parameters for a user-defined window. (See spectrum for information on using set.)
Segment length
Percent overlap between segments
String defining how the number of FFT points is determined. The default is the next power of 2 that is greater than the input length. Other valid values are 'InputLength' and 'UserDefined'. InputLength uses the length of the input signal as the FFT length. UserDefined uses the value provided via the psd method or dspopts object. See dspopts for an example.

Hs = spectrum.welch(WindowName) returns a spectrum object, Hs, using Welch's method with the specified window and the default values for all other parameters

Hs = spectrum.welch({WindowName,winparam}) returns a spectrum object, Hs with the specified window and associated parameter.

Hs = spectrum.welch(...,SegmentLength) returns a spectrum object, Hs with the specified segment length.

Hs = spectrum.welch(...,OverlapPercent) returns a spectrum object, Hs with the specified percentage overlap between segments.

Hs = spectrum.welch(...,FFTLength) returns a spectrum object, Hs with the specified FFT length type.


Define a cosine of 200 Hz, add noise and view its spectral content using the Welch algorithm.

See Also

dspdata, dspopts, spectrum, spectrum.periodogram, spectrum.mtm, spectrum.burg, spectrum.cov, spectrum.mcov, spectrum.yulear, spectrum.eigenvector,

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